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Tougher require­ments, big impact

The effects of ErP 2015 on fan manu­fac­turers and customers

In this article I want to take a look at the ErP Direc­tive from the point of view of our customers, who are working to satisfy the require­ments. The direc­tive affects all sectors in which fans are used as the central compo­nent. Direc­tive 2009/125/EC and its Regu­la­tion 327/2011 will dramat­i­cally change the design of many of our customers’ prod­ucts.

Until now, manu­fac­turers devel­oped solu­tions that deliv­ered the required perfor­mance on the one hand and were as cost-effec­tive as possible on the other. For example, customers demanded that the special foot­print for a machine be realised by designing a wall ring with a non-stan­dard radius on the inlet side, or that it retains the same shape across a wide range of different prod­ucts due to branding require­ments, or that it allows only a limited height so that the machine could be more easily trans­ported in a container. As a result, axial fans were combined with built-in nozzles for flat machines or the like.


Easily clearing the ErP 2015 hurdle with the AxiCool

When the first stage of effi­ciency targets went into effect in January 2013, equip­ment manu­fac­turers and their fan suppliers were compelled to examine their product ranges to deter­mine where a redesign of entire units becomes neces­sary. The reason for this is that the regu­la­tion treats the fan as a system (comprised of impeller, motor, housing and acces­sories such as a wall ring) needed in order to ensure a certain level of effi­ciency. This of course makes the fan strongly depen­dent on the condi­tions that deter­mine its effi­ciency. Conse­quently, we as suppliers have to verify whether our compo­nents still fulfil the direc­tives, but the customers are respon­sible for certi­fying the fan if they produce parts such as the wall ring them­selves, because according to the direc­tive, that makes them fan manu­fac­turers.

The require­ments in effect until the end of 2014 are not so diffi­cult to fulfil, but that will change completely starting in January 2015 when the second stage of the direc­tive takes effect and tough new require­ments will have a big impact. A few percentage points of higher effi­ciency will be enough to cause many of the designs mentioned above to disap­pear from the market. That will most likely lead to a conver­gence in the designs of the offered solu­tions.

How will ebm-papst handle this?

With support from analysis to design, to find the best possible solu­tion.

Where that’s not econom­ical, a variety of stan­dard prod­ucts is avail­able to help fulfil the effi­ciency require­ments: With AxiCool, energy guzzlers can be brought up to ErP 2015 stan­dards without expen­sive devel­op­ment and new tools. An example: The target for A4E350AP0601 is an η of 28.6 percent at the best effi­ciency point, well above the 25.9 percent reached by the current design. The W4E350JN0230 over­comes the Δ 2.7.

The conver­sion from AC to EC tech­nology ensures that ErP 2015 require­ments are fulfilled, and it pays off quickly thanks to the lower energy consump­tion.

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Additional product information can be found here:

Axial fan AxiCool

AxiCool fans for evaporators and cooling units