New ideas on familiar topics

Thomas Borst on noise reduc­tion, energy effi­ciency and the role of the instal­la­tion space

Dear Readers – certain topics are real ever­greens: no matter how often they have come up before there is always room for discus­sion. For example, noise reduc­tion and energy effi­ciency have become absolute best sellers around the world. Not least because the use of inno­v­a­tive tech­nology makes air condi­tioning, venti­lation and refrig­er­a­tion systems quieter and also more effi­cient, thus helping to save money as well.
As our current leading article from Spain shows, the new AxiTop diffuser is an excel­lent example of such tech­nology. Its outstanding features ensure market success and play a central role in system plan­ning. In the world of centrifugal fans, the new compact RadiPac product range means that customers can design more compact new devices, thus saving space, mate­rials and costs as well.
This product range is also one of the factors giving impetus to another ever­green topic: The moderni­sa­tion of venti­lation and air condi­tioning systems is an expanding market around the world. As already expe­ri­enced with refrig­er­a­tion systems, we are now also witnessing a similar devel­op­ment in these sectors – one reason being that users can now easily replace less effi­cient fans with conve­nient plug-and-play concepts. And such conver­sion can have a signif­i­cant effect as shown by the example of a data centre. I hope you will feel simi­larly inspired by reading this edition of your mag°! 

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