Fresh meat in a fresh light

Special LED lamps light up sausages and meat in Zinsler butcher’s shop – without heating the prod­ucts.

“The impor­tance of appealing product presen­ta­tion is growing all the time”, explains Bernd Zinsler, “people are buying more spon­ta­neously and relying less on shop­ping lists.” The master butcher stands behind the counter of his shop in Mulfingen and has just sold one of his special­i­ties: home-made “maultaschen” (Southern German filled pasta pockets).

In order to improve the presen­ta­tion of meat and sausages, Zinsler decided to have a new lighting system installed in his shop. Instead of the 20 old energy-inten­sive halogen lamps, a fresh new light is now cast on the prod­ucts by 10 effi­cient LED lamps devel­oped by the company Bäro espe­cially for use in butchers’ shops.

Opti­mised presen­ta­tion

"The importance of appealing product presentation is growing all the time", explains Bernd Zinsler.

“The impor­tance of appealing product presen­ta­tion is growing all the time”, explains Bernd Zinsler.

Thanks to the changes in his shop, Zinsler now saves 50% more energy and profits from other bene­fits as well. “Before, our sausages were cooled from below and heated from above. Now, the lamps hardly emit any heat at all. What’s more, the LED light keeps flies away and has a colour temper­a­ture which empha­sises the fresh­ness of the meat and sausages. To top it all off, the LEDs have a consid­er­ably longer service life than the halogen lamps”, explains the master butcher, who took over the busi­ness from his father in 1994.

The LEDs are cooled by an ebm-papst compact fan. “Temper­a­ture manage­ment is para­mount in LED tech­nology”, clar­i­fies Herbert Schmid, Area Manager at Bäro. “LEDs do not radiate heat in the direc­tion of the lighting, but their board temper­a­ture increases during oper­a­tion nonethe­less.” The fan main­tains an ambient temper­a­ture of 25 degrees Celsius, and keeps the board temper­a­ture under 65 degrees. Only this can allow the LED to perform at its best.

Growing together with ebm-papst

The butcher's shop was delivering filled rolls for lunch to Mulfingen as early as 50 years ago.

The butcher’s shop was deliv­ering filled rolls for lunch to Mulfingen as early as 50 years ago.

As Zinsler watched the LED lamps being installed, he recog­nised the ebm-papst logo on the fans imme­di­ately, as the history of the Mulfingen-based company is closely linked to that of his own busi­ness: his butcher’s shop was deliv­ering filled rolls for lunch as early as 50 years ago. “Back then, there were only six or seven employees. Nowa­days, we still deliver around a third of the meat and sausage prod­ucts, which are locally-sourced and slaugh­tered by us. We’ve grown in the mean­time as well”, the master butcher chuckles.

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