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Emis­sion-free shuttle

Elec­tric car in St. Georgen

Elec­tric car in St. Georgen

As one of only 100 users in all of Germany, St. Georgen has secured one of the first A-Class E-Cell elec­tric cars from Mercedes-Benz. The car serves as a daily shuttle between the main admin­is­tra­tion building and Plant 1 from 8:15 am until 3:30 pm. To show that this purchase is not just a pretty façade, an energy certifi­cate from energy provider EnBW guar­an­tees that 100 percent of the corre­sponding elec­tricity is gener­ated from water power. „The car is also a nice symbol for us as a sustain­able company,“ Managing Director Dirk Schal­lock commented. There­fore, he is already plan­ning the purchase of a second vehicle for this year, which would then drive to Plant 2 in Herbolzheim.

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